Master of Business Administration – Entrepreneurship February 2012
G.P.A. 3.89
Managing and Leading
Explored contemporary management concepts & practices necessary to provide a foundation for building the skills & knowledge necessary to be an effective & ethical manager in a global and interconnected environment.
Leading People
Explored basic dimensions of human resource management as those dimensions affect the organization and the employee.
Business Operations in the U.S. and Abroad
Explored how business works in the United States and other regions of the world.
Gained an understanding of marketing and its relationship to the successful management of today’s business organizations.
Innovation & Technology
Learned how managers can make sure that they leverage technology to achieve competitive advantages in the global marketplace
Accounting for Business Management
Learned to use accounting data to make business decisions, such as product pricing, cost cutting, equipment acquisition, & enterprise startup.
Financial Management
Explored concepts & tools necessary to assess an organization’s financial position and explore a variety of alternatives that organizations use to finance their ventures.
Business Strategy for Competitive Advantage
Explored the development & implementation of business strategies that enable competitive advantage.
Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation
Explored entrepreneurial concepts & processes that apply to startups and well-established businesses with an innovative focus or entrepreneurial spirit.
Building and Funding an Entrepreneurial Venture
Learned to build my entrepreneurial skills & knowledge base by addressing problems drawn from real-world organizations.
Capstone: Becoming a World-Class Manager
I explored contemporary management thinking and examine my own management style & experience. I completed my business plan & to put all of my MBA experiences together & discovered how my thinking & perspectives have changed as a result of my learning.
Bachelor of Science – Graphic Communications June 2000
G.P.A. 3.7
Intro to Graphic Communications
Explored two-dimensional space by recognizing and manipulating design elements in a logically consistent and formally coherent manner
Intro to Digital Design/Illustration
Emphasizes integration of color design and other two-dimensional imagery with emphasis on development of rational design methodology and sign-symbol communication
Intro to Desktop Publishing
Integrated the design elements of text, graphics, and white space into an attractive and well constructed document
Intro to Graphic Imaging
Introduction to industry standard, image-editing software which contains tools for designers to produce sophisticated graphics for the Web and print
Page layout software is introduced and applied to solve typographic design problems.
Corporate Identity Design
Examined design process methods and visual problem-solving skills to achieve effective graphic communication
Publication Design Processes
Examined design process methods & visual problem-solving skills to achieve effective graphic communications
Advanced Design Processes
Advanced technical skills in electronic image production for printing specifications are examined and applied
Graphic Production Methods
Emphasized the technology & processes used in the preparation of digital files to create electronic camera-ready art for commercial printing
Digital Media Business Practices
Provided an in-depth study of the business of design & the essentials for conducting a successful design practice
Portfolio Seminar
Reworked designs created in earlier courses as well as freelance & intern projects to develop both a traditional and a digital portfolio
Intermediate Graphic Imaging
Emphasized electronic imaging skills with continuous application of design process methods & visual problem-solving skills
Advanced Graphic Imaging
Covered state-of-the-art methods of image production, conversion, & display using photography, commercial printing, video, and laser scanners
Integrated Design & Conceptual Media
Emphasized integration of proposals, project management, concept development & industry standard software packages for print and Web design to achieve the desired outcome in a project based environment
Multi-Media Production 1 & 2
Mastered techniques & equipment used for audio and visual production.
Graphic Presentation
Emphasized the design and creation of graphic communication presentations utilizing advanced graphic production skills and techniques